Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
is a program that trains young students with potentials for research, teaching mathematics courses and for graduate studies. It aims to develop mathematicians for the academe, for government service and for the industry.
Program’s Learning Outcomes
The graduates of the BS Mathematics program should be able to:
1. Articulate the latest developments in mathematics;
2. Effectively communicate orally and in writing mathematical ideas using clear and prices language;
3. Work effectively in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams as well as accept and critically evaluates inputs from others;
4. Demonstrates professional, social, and ethical responsibility, especially in practicing intellectual property right as well as commit integrity of data;
5. Preserve and promote Filipino historical and cultural heritage based on RA 7722;
6. Participate in the generation of new knowledge or in research and development projects aligned to local and national development agenda or goals;
7. Demonstrate broad and coherence knowledge and understanding in the core of the physical and natural sciences and mathematics;
8. Use critical and problem-solving skills using the scientific method;
9. Interpret scientific data and reflect on relevant scientific and ethical issues;
10. Carry out basic mathematical and statistical computations and appropriate
technologies in the analysis of data;
11. Design and perform techniques and procedures following safe and responsible
laboratory or field practices;
12. Gain mastery in the core areas of mathematics and to pursue advanced studies
in mathematics;
13. Demonstrate skills in pattern recognition, generalization, abstraction, critical, analysis, synthesis, problem solving, and rigorous argument;
14. Develop and enhancement perception of vitality and importance of mathematics in the modern world including interrelationships within mathematics and its connection to other disciplines.
15. Appreciate the concept and role of proof and reasoning and demonstrate knowledge in reading mathematical proofs;
16. Make and evaluate mathematical conjectures and arguments and validate their own mathematical thinking.
Retention Policies
Students in the College of Science are expected to abide by the following retention policies:
1. The student should not have an accumulated a total of five (5) failures in all subjects taken in the first two (2) years in college, provided that the following shall be implemented:
1.1 A student who fails in two (2) subjects or 25% of his/her enrolled subjects for the semester shall be given a warning.
1.2 A student who accumulates three (3) or 50% of his/her enrolled subjects for the semester shall be placed on probation on the semester immediately following and be considered for conditional enrollment; and
1.3 A student who accumulates five (5) failures or 75% of his/her enrolled subjects, s/he is considered extremely delinquent and be dropped from the college.
2. Third year and Fourth year students shall be subject to the following conditions every semester:
2.1 A student who fails in two (2) subjects shall be given a warning
2.2 A student who fails in three (3) subjects shall be placed on probation and considered for conditional enrollment; and
2.3 A student who fails in in four (4) or more subjects, thus, disqualified from enrolling in the college.