Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
is a program designed to train students to become experts in chemistry not only in the teaching profession but also in the industries, and as a preparatory course to the degree of Doctor of Medicine.
Program’s Learning Outcomes
The graduates of the BS Chemistry program should be able to:
1. Demonstrate a broad and coherent knowledge and understanding in the core areas of chemistry: inorganic, organic, physical, biological, and analytical chemistry; and in addition the necessary background in mathematics and physics.
2. Gather data using standard laboratory equipment, modern instrumentation and classical techniques with commitment to the integrity of data.
3. Identify and solve problems using scientific method involving chemistry, using current disciplinary and interdisciplinary principles in the industry, environment, health and safety.
4. Qualify for further study and/or for entry-level professional employment in the general workplace.
5. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
6. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility.
7. Effectively communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions both orally and in writing using English and Filipino to other scientists, decision makers and the public.
8. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice.
9. Critically evaluate and interpret relevant scientific data and make judgments that include reflection on relevant scientific and ethical issues including input from others.
10. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”.
11. Participate in the generation of new knowledge in research and development projects aligned to local and national development agenda or goals.
12. Relate science and mathematics to the other disciplines.
13. Appreciate the limitations and implications of science in everyday life.
14. Design and perform safe and responsible techniques and procedures in laboratory or field practices.
15. Design and perform safe and responsible techniques and procedures in laboratory or field practices.
Retention Policies
Students in the College of Science are expected to abide by the following retention policies:
1. The student should not have an accumulated a total of five (5) failures in all subjects taken in the first two (2) years in college, provided that the following shall be implemented:
1.1 A student who fails in two (2) subjects or 25% of his/her enrolled subjects for the semester shall be given a warning.
1.2 A student who accumulates three (3) or 50% of his/her enrolled subjects for the semester shall be placed on probation on the semester immediately following and be considered for conditional enrollment; and
1.3 A student who accumulates five (5) failures or 75% of his/her enrolled subjects, s/he is considered extremely delinquent and be dropped from the college.
2. Third year and Fourth year students shall be subject to the following conditions every semester:
2.1 A student who fails in two (2) subjects shall be given a warning
2.2 A student who fails in three (3) subjects shall be placed on probation and considered for conditional enrollment; and
2.3 A student who fails in in four (4) or more subjects, thus, disqualified from enrolling in the college.